In Person
Monday, September 18, 2023 @ 11:00 AM (CDT)
Sub-Zero, Wolf & Cove Factory Campus @ The Bakke Center
2866 Bud's Dr, Fitchburg, WI 53719, USA
Fitchburg, WI  53719
Lisa Smith  |  lisa.smith@subzero.com  |  312-505-9321


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Redefining Kitchen Design While Improving Health and Wellness

Whether you are taking this course in 2020 or beyond, you have lived through an unprecedented global pandemic that has changed how we approach life. What it means to work, socialize with friends and family, and even prepare a meal altered drastically within the space of a few weeks. People who barely knew how to turn on their oven started experimenting in the kitchen; others, accustomed to dining out, found themselves food prepping for weeks at a time; and many people with families, partners, or roommates found themselves once again gathering together at meal times. Included in all of its life-altering impacts, the pandemic has changed the way we live at home, including how we utilize our kitchens, home offices, and technology.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine how the kitchen has evolved from a utilitarian to social space and how recent COVID-19 events may further this evolution.
  • Explore the idea of a wellness kitchen and how kitchen design can improve wellness and nutrition
  • Discover how kitchen appliances, both large and small, optimize food preservation, minimize stress in the kitchen, and help people stay connected.
  • Analyze how working from home will affect future residential design, and how kitchen appliances can be incorporated into a home office.

Provided by: SubZero
Course Length: 1 hr

Licensing Boards

Alabama Board for Registered Interior Designers
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Alabama Board of Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Alaska Dept of Commerce, Community and Economic Development
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Architects Association of Prince Edward Island
Architect: 1 LU

Arkansas Architects, Landscape Architects, Interior Designers
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Delaware Division of Professional Regulation
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation
Architect: 1 CEU
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Georgia State Board of Architects and Interior Designers
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Idaho Board of Architectural Examiners
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Kansas Board of Technical Professions
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Kentucky Board of Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 PDU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Louisiana State Board of Architectural Examiners
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Interior Designers
Interior Designer: 1 CEU
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Manitoba Association of Architects
Architect: 1 LU

Maryland Department of Labor
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Sustainable Design

Massachusetts - Board of Registration of Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Mississippi State Board of Architecture
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Montana Board of Architects and Landscape Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

New Mexico Board of Examiners for Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

New Mexico Board of Interior Design
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

New York State Education Department
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

North Carolina Board of Architecture and Registered Interior Designers
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Northwest Territories Association of Architects
Architect: 1 LU

Ohio Architects and Landscape Architects Board
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Oklahoma Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, and Registered Interior Designers
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Ontario Association of Architects
Architect: 1 LU

Ordre des architectes du Québec
Architect: 1 LU

Oregon State Board of Architect Examiners
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

South Carolina Board of Architectural Examiners
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

South Dakota Board of Technical Professions
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Texas Board of Architectural Examiners and Registered Interior Designers
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Vermont State Board of Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulations
Architect: 1 CEU

Washington State Department of Licensing
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

West Virginia Board of Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Wyoming State Board of Architects and Landscape Architects
Architect: 1 CEU

Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)


American Institute of Architects
Architect: 1 LU
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

American Society of Interior Designers
Interior Designer: 1 Credit

Interior Design Society
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Interior Designers of Canada
Interior Designer: 1 CEU

International Design Continuing Education Council
Interior Designer: 1 Credit
Health, Safety, and Welfare (HSW)

International Interior Designers Association
Interior Designer: 0.1 CEU

National Association of the Remodeling Industry
Contractor/Builder: 0.1 Credit

National Kitchen & Bath Association
Kitchen/Bath Designer: 0.1 Credit

Professional Remodeling Organization (PRO)
Architect: 1 CEU

Contractor/Builder: 1 CEU

Interior Designer: 1 CEU

Kitchen/Bath Designer: 1 CEU